
better than a cake made of fun

issue 15 - April 2006

gou-rou.com is to Beijing what Orson Welles was to advertisements for sherry

gou-rou.com editor-in-chief Arabella Green regales you with editorial

Letters to the Editor
You write, we read, then respond with deadly accuracy


News in Brief
HK glamour girl under surveillance in new counter-counter-revolutionary plan; also, sand news

One Sand In My Pocket
Henrietta Wang on the Beijing/desert interface

A Month In Pictures
the gou-rou.com optical capture squad trap the news in a well and force it to apply moisturiser

Hu's gone on holiday? Yes, says Fran Fu

Power Play
Following last month's monumental proposal for a better future, Henry D K Liu returns this week and points his sharp mind firmly towards the Thoracic Vertebrae of the energy crisis


Beauty & Fashion
more tips on how to be, with Joy la Joie

City Girl
the urban highlife, with Kitty Yip Kee Wah

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Send comments to editor@gou-rou.com.

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