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Beijing Beats

by Winston Poirot

I was thrilled to be invited to the CD launch party of Wing Yip Hip-Hop Massive Collective's new album, which includes some guest appearances from some random foreigners who couldn't get away with such things anywhere else but the developing world.

Following the success of the album 2008 Massive, Wing Yip's agent Mr Lim decided that the group should rush out their second album of the year. The result is the rebellious Expo 2010 is in Shanghai. The album combines Ace of Base beats with slowed down 2 Unlimited chord sequences in an inspirational melange of groovy tunes and rhythms that got lead lyricist Zhou strutting his stuff right there in the coffee shop during the interview. The lyrics, as we have become accustomed to from these boyz, are wonderful:

Mobile phones can be used to communi-cate / Nokia is cool
The streets of Shanghai will be lit up by / Expo 2010 which is going to be held there
I'll SMS my friend / China is modern.

from the song "Mobile Phones Are Wicked".

Wing Yip album
The album is sure to fly off the shelves as if attracted by powerful magnetic forces.

Also featured on this track are lyrics by American Ree-jekt, an expat who is unable to explain his presence. Whilst at the coffee shop, I (wo) overheard Mr Lim discussing arrangements for Wing Yip's April "Everybody Go Shopping - It's Fun and Modern" tour. Details were hard to get off the tight-legged manager, but promises that this will be the biggest yet (possibly including two shows) have really been getting the fanbase excited.