
better than a cake made of fun

Love is "like an ocelot", says leading statistician

Falling deaths improbably linked to Tori Amos

Nothing much of interest happens

Letters to the Editor

Dear gou-rou.com

Have you ever noticed how the traffic in Beijing is really bad and congested and no one seems to know ho to drive, maybe you could write an article on that? It would be very funny - "China cars found to be 87% more traffic-jam-prone than foreign cars" hahaha you can use that if you like.

Mike Building, Haidian

Yes, now you see, this is exactly the sort of thing we're trying to avoid, isn't it?

Arabella Green,
gou-rou.com editor in chief

Dear gou-rou crew!

I am writing to express my deepest thanks for your gou-rou.com "Safety in the Home" instructional picture cards, which you distributed in the September 2004 issue (as I live in Guangzhou I have only just got hold of them). I liked the "Curiousity fried the child" and "Laptops don't belong in the bath" cards. They were nice. I have learnt many useful things from the cards. I will also draw some safety cards with my new colouring pens, I can use the inside of cereal boxes for cardboard and then draw on it. When I am finished I will put them on my bedroom wall and the fridge.

Yours Sincerely,
Leo Edouards, Guangzhou City

Dear gou-rou.com,

I am writing to suggest something that I think would be really really fun and a great laugh! How about holding a gou-rou.com summer conference. I am sure loads of really funny people like me would make an effort to be there. It would be hilarious.

Mike Building, Haidian

Oh, God.
