issue 6 - July 2005
in these turbulent times of currencies being attached to wicker luggage items, riots definitely not breaking out and chickens ceasing to lay, it's good to know that gou-rou.com will always be around, delivering quality content not more than about a week late.
gou-rou.com editor-in-chief Arabella Green gets her words out for the lads
A Question of Intent
Henrietta Wang on a bank heist that wasn't
Instant Canoodles
Kalinga Brendonfort asks a lot of questions about relationships, but can she find any answers?
A Month In Pictures
the gou-rou.com photo team captures the zeitgeist so consummately it would make Hulk Hogan weep like a child
Yanking Your Chain
it's the 4th of July, and strange things are afoot at KFC, or so Delilah Sheraton would have you believe
A Peek Inside gou-rou.com Central
Arabella Green presents an excerpt from the recent editorial board meeting in Canada
Remake or Break
producing original ideas for Chinese TV requires effort, says Murphy Trott, so why bother?
first in a new series of articles putting prominent people in Beijing taxis - this month, filmmaker George Lucas and novelist Don de Lillo
City Girl
the urban highlife, with Angel Chu
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