Urgent Health Warning!
translated by Solomon West
Chinese health authorities have unearthed a dormant but potentially deadly strain of H1N1 influenza. As a service to our readers, we have translated the following bulletin from the Ministry of Health. Please pass this on to as many people as you can!
What is H1N1/64?
It is a type of H1N1 influenza, commonly known as "swine flu", that has the possibility of infecting victims before lying dormant for many years. We are currently attempting to combat an outbreak that expected to emerge from dormancy in the course of the next week or so.
Who is affected?
At this time we a focusing on one instance of infection. If you or a near relative were present in the area between Chang'an Jie and Qianmen around the first week of June 1989, you are at severe risk. We ask you to remain in your home at all times for a quarantine period of no less than two weeks. If you think you there is a chance of evidence of your experience in the affected area at the time of infection emerging in public, report immediately to the nearest Public Security Bureau station.
Can the virus affect others?
The strain can be passed from human to human, possibly by breathing in, but friends, family and co-workers of those asked to report in are not in danger provided they keep their mouths shut.
Remember: if you become aware of anyone at large who may be infected with the H1N1/64 strain, it is your duty to report the case to the authorities immediately, as a matter of public health and society harmony.