Letters Page
Dear gou-rou.com,
I can think of no better forum than this to express disgust and dismay at the choice of the five so-called Fuwa as mascots for the 2008 Olympic Games. This set of cartoon hooligans pose a threat to the moral fibre of China's young persons. Jingjing, for example, encourages a reckless attitude towards authority and firearms, while Huanhuan, with her come-hither eyes and provocative hat, is little better than a whore. I demand action be taken immediately.
Peng Lianbo, Xuanwumen District
Hello gou rou people!
It is me again!
Are you excited about the Olympics? I am very excited about the Olympics. They are exciting. I have been queuing up for tickets for a long time. It was hard. The line was very long and it was hot, and I was assaulted by some policemen, but now I have tickets so it is all ok. I am especially looking forward to the men's weightlifting, which is a fun spectator sport and not boring at all.
Lee O'Edwaaarts